Invest in CDMI BinkPoklicni vlagatelj
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CDMI Bink is a credit institution and investment services provider founded in October 1992 with a European banking license. Our mission is to provide European households with transparent and competitive consumer loans, financed directly by professional investors *. Our 100% digital platform features cutting-edge technologies allowing us to offer competitive interest rates to borrowers and attractive returns to investors.
We invest in depreciable household loans at fixed rate and constant monthly payments. The initial loan maturities are between 6 and 84 months, granted via the CDMI Bink platform. Our portfolio of investments aims to provide stable and competitive returns with low volatility.
Omogočamo vam dostop do novega razreda sredstev, ki vam omogoča raznolikost portfelja
Ciljna donosnost brez provizij za upravljanje in privzetih vrednosti med + 2,5% in + 3,5% na leto
Naši skladi ustvarjajo nizke donose volatilnosti z nizko korelacijo s finančnimi trgi
Ste pripravljeni dobiti denar, ki ga potrebujete za vrnitev k dobremu?
CDMI Bink offers you the best of financial service.